GPA Europe October 2022 Newsletter
The Hot-Seat
A message from our Chairperson, Gary Bowerbank.
"Bienvenue sur le blog de ce mois-ci” (thanks Google)
I am getting in the mood, and may need to dust off my GCSE French, for our Annual Conference in Paris, which is rapidly creeping up on us. I am really looking forward to seeing the community come together, and I know the Technical Committee have pulled together a high quality program. I am also really glad we are able to bring back the Young Professionals Training Day, one of the flagship offerings from GPA Europe – helping to educate and connect with the process engineers (other disciplines welcome) of the future. All the info you need, including the sponsorship packages and exhibition places, can be found at
Away from the conference, I am interested to hear from the community some hints and tips to manage the ever growing demands of our jobs today. I have come across suggestions to use Agile, focus on 1 task at a time and to prioritise the back-log. These all sound like excellent ideas, and I can see how they work in the product development world. But in an industry focused on delivery, of products, solutions, packages, etc., and where we all have multiple stakeholders (each one thinking they are #1 priority) – how do we prioritise? I’ve be told, we just need to say “no”, but not so easy. Any thoughts from the masses?"
GPA Europe Renewable Gas Webinar
Thank you!
Thank you from all of us at GPA Europe to Andy Cornell of ABSL, Paul Hudson of Transform Materials and Marine Juge of ENGIE Lab CRIGEN for presenting at our webinar last month. A webinar discussing two types of waste and one type of product being created. Waste to fuel is in an interesting development phase.
Did you miss the sessions? All our sessions from the Webinar Series are available for GPA Europe members to watch for free on our website here.
As always, we want to hear from you, our GPA Europe members. If you have topics of interest or would like to be involved in future virtual events, please do get in touch with us at [email protected].
GPA Europe Annual Conference 2022
Technip Energies, Paris
14 - 16 November 2022
Technip Energies will host the GPA Europe Annual Conference from 14 to 16 November 2022, providing the perfect platform for three days of high-level networking, discussion and debate.
Our Annual Conference will once again combine with our Young Professional Training Day and AGM.
We are planning some exciting activities, alongside high-quality technical presentations. We are delighted to present our draft 3-day outline to you:
Training Session
This is a three-hour session organised by BASF SE, Worley and Axens.
Young Professional Training Day |
Keynote Address
Make sure you mark your calendar for the Opening Keynote – Nicolas AIMARD, Vice President Process Technical Line in the new TotalEnergies One Tech branch which is a new organisation supporting all industrial and R&D activities of TotalEnergies from oil and gas upstream to downstream, renewables and new energies will take the main stage.
Panel Discussion |
Annual General Meeting
On behalf of Gary Bowerbank, Chairperson of GPA Europe Ltd, we are pleased to invite our GPA Europe Members to the Annual General Meeting of GPA Europe Ltd to be held at 4pm CET/3pm GMT on Wednesday 16 November 2022, At TechnipEnergies Offices in Paris, or virtually via TEAMS.
Your Annual Conference registration will include registration to our AGM. However, if you would like to register for the AGM only, please click here.
Sponsorship and Exhibiting
Have you thought about sponsoring or exhibiting? Our conference provides a direct marketing channel to commercial and technical leaders from the whole gas processing value chain.
Both our Sponsorship and Exhibition packages include discounted conference passes, prices can be found within our Sponsorship Brochure.
With thanks to our Sponsors:
We have space for our member companies to exhibit. Your stand will be located in a central area for two days, where all delegates converge. Tuesday evening is our Exhibition Event with snacks and drinks for delegates and TechnipEnergies employees.
Get the latest event developments – connect with us on LinkedIn, follow us on Twitter and join us on Facebook.
In Brief
Our May 2022 Issue of In Brief is out on the streets - Check it out!
This issue reports on the GPA Europe Virtual Technical Conference held in November 2021 as well as our New Energy Webinars.
We have our regular 'View from the Top' by our Chairperson Gary Bowerbank, discussing 'A welcome return for major in-person events'.
The lead article has been contributed by Gas Treatment Solutions BASF. The article is titled 'OASE digilab: Efficiency gain in gas treatment'.
Please contact the GPA E Team for more information - [email protected]
Get Involved
Paper of the Month
This month we are looking back to a presentation from Jan Kiebert from Sulphur Experts, who presented during our Spring Conference in May 2019.
"Plugging of piping and vessels within modified-Claus sulphur recovery units is extremely common, and the causes are often poorly understood and the proper solutions often improperly implemented. In some cases, the plugging causes additional pressure drop through the sulphur plant, resulting in reduced sulphur plant capacity and possibly limiting the gas plant or refinery throughput as well. In other cases, it results in complete blockage of parts of the sulphur plant, often meaning an unplanned shutdown, high SO2 emissions, expensive turnaround costs, and lost gas plant or refinery production. The first step in dealing with sulphur plant plugging is to have the proper monitoring methods to detect plugging, the right tools to locate where the plugging has occurred, and the right methods to analyze the plugging material in order to determine the root cause(s) of the plugging. The most common root causes of plugging include: soot formation from poor stoichiometry during fuel gas startups and shutdowns; ammonia salt formation from poor reaction furnace destruction and / or over oxidizing process environments; alumina dust from refractory or catalyst pieces and fines; iron based corrosion products from a variety of corrosion mechanisms; and frozen or high viscosity sulphur from incorrect process temperatures or incorrect vessel insulation / heating. The key to avoiding plugging is to understand and avoid these plugging mechanisms in the first place, and processing, design, and procedure options for each of these areas are discussed in this paper. In addition, some of these plugging mechanisms can be reversed on line, and recommended reversal procedures are also covered in the paper. The paper will include actual case studies from a wide variety of gas plant and refinery sulphur plants from around the world."
Download the Paper
Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities
We provide a direct marketing channel to Directors and Process Engineers within the natural Gas Processing Industry.
We have multiple sponsorship opportunities at our events, as well as advertising within In Brief and our Newsletter - contact us for more information.
Highlight Your Institution
Gulf Energy Information
Our media partner Gulf Energy Information has launched a technical publication, H2Tech, serving engineers and professionals in the hydrogen sector.
If you would like to register for a free trial subscription to the weekly e-newsletter or the quarterly magazine, just click on the graphic below:
If you have news you would like to share with our members, please email us at [email protected]