In Brief March 2015
The first edition of In brief for 2015 opens with an article from Malcolm Harrison reflecting on the earth-moving impact of the 50% fall in the price of oil experienced during the second half of 2014. Malcolm points out that is not the first time this has happened, nor will it be the last, but he argues that this is just the time when companies need to invest in countercyclical investment in training and development to ensure that when the business begins to recover companies will be well-placed with strong staff knowledge to take advantage of the upturn.
Newly appointed chairman, Paul Openshaw continues the long tradition of the chairman’s View from the Top with a reprise of the current arguments for and against fracking, particularly from a UK point of view but a discussion that will be rehearsed throughout Europe as constraints on imports of natural gas continue into the future.
GPA Europe is pleased to be able to have supported the IChemE and RSC initiatives of providing careers advice to schoolchildren in Essex at their annual event and in 2014, Myrian Schenk describes her day presenting on the Natural Gas Industry. GPA Europe continued this service in 2015.
The main reports of the magazine report on the Annual Conference and its ancillary events held in Madrid in September 2015 and the Annual General Meeting and Technical Meeting held in London in November 2014.