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Hydrate Prediction - The Importance of GPA Research

Presented at June 1985 Conference in Kristiansund, Norway by

A. Wilson, Hydro

A method to predict hydrate forming conditions in the presence of inhibitors has been around since E.G. Hammerschmidt developed his equation in the 1930's. For many years it was the only tool for the design engineer :or sizing of equipment other than collecting a series of experimental data. With the advent of large scale natural gas production and introduction of cryogenic processes the necessity arose for more accurate methods with a wider range ot application. Research sponsored by the CPA is largely responsible tor todays availability ot a multitude of data relating to this problem. From these data new prediction methods have been and are being developed providing the industry with much needed new design bases.
This article tocuses on the merits that the past and future research in this area has for the design engineer and points out where more ettort would be desirable. In many cases the costs of a project may depend considerably on the accuracy of the prediction of the hydrate conditions and in some cases the execution of a project might even hinge on the availability of such data. Using the example of a particular project it is the aim of this article to point out that funds spent on research in this area through the GPA sponsored program will be tar outweighted by money saved through improved process design as a result of this research.

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