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Compact and Light Weight Boil Off Gas Management

On a Floating Storage Regasification Unit (FRSU), LNG carrier or on-shore LNG storage, excess boil-off gas (BOG) is inevitable. BOG has to be recondensed for environmental and economic reasons. Conventional BOG recondensers are relatively large columns equipped with structured packing. With limited space on FSRUs and LNG carriers, a smaller unit is preferred.

Sulzer has developed an innovative way to recondensing BOG incorporating its static-mixing technology. Instead of having gas as the continuous phase, liquid is the continuous operation in the new unit. The BOG distribution orifices on its inner pipe enable the unit to operate in a self-regulating manner, and therefore a wide range of load conditions is handled without the need for complex controls. This results in a smaller , lighter recondenser with a lower footprint, suiting it well for FSRUs or LNG carrier application.

This compact and lightweight recondenser has been in successful commercial operation since 2012.
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