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Horizontal Separation Membranes for CO2 Capture—First in Southeast Asia

This abstract showcases the use of horizontal CO2 separation membranes for one of the world’s largest offshore carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) projects and the first such venture in Southeast Asia. The Phase 2 project objective is to recover hydrocarbons from CO2-rich natural gas permeating from the Phase 1 facilities, eliminating 3.3 metric tons of CO2e emissions per year.

Horizontal CO2 separation membranes were selected as the most economical solution for this application. The membrane technology offers numerous advantages over other acid gas removal technologies, especially for natural gas streams with high concentrations of CO2. Key advantages include the membrane’s compact and modular design, no need for solvent or pumps, long operating life, high energy efficiency, no foaming or other operational issues, and low capex and opex, leading to the lowest overall life-cycle costs. Additionally, a digital solution has been integrated for continuous performance monitoring, which enables operational tuning and proactive membrane replacement over the life of the project.

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