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As the biggest driver behind the climate crisis, replacement of fossil fuels by renewable, clean energy sources is targeted as the ultimate goal.
Yet, a full transition cannot take place overnight. CO2 capture from combustion and chemical processes helps minimize the emissions of fossil fuels production & consumption industries in a pragmatic way that can be implemented today.
Since 1913, when BASF started first large scale CO2 capture at 1st Haber-Bosch ammonia plant in Oppau, we have been delivering OASE® technologies for carbon capture technologies for pre-combustion and post-combustion CO2 capture of fossil fuels and their derivatives.
Whether we talk about natural gas or LNG, syngas at ammonia and blue H2 plants, or flue gases from various industries (coal, gas, “hard-to-abate”) — every industry has been bringing us certain challenges, unconventional tasks and needs, but also interesting and valuable experience to be shared.
We will also overview the steps of continuous improvement in the areas of energy efficiency, environmental impact and total investment costs, which ensure that such applications remain attractive in the future.