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Gas Sweetening with Alkanolamines Operating Cost Reduction

Presented at London Meeting  on 19 November 1986 by

J. Tournier-Lasserve, Elf Aquitaine Production

Elf Aquitaine has been involved in sour gas field operation for 30 years.
So it has applied itself to the development and improvement of a complete range of techniques dealing with processing of sour gases by alkanolamines, particularly for operating cost reduction with diethanolamine (DEA) as solvent. But the
extensive research works, and industrial operating experience had led to a knowledge which extended and diversified the areas of application.
So, in this paper, we examine first the new main features presently used in Lacq
units in order to comply with operating cost reduction. And further we briefly describe several adjacent processes with methyldiethanolamine (MDEA), always
keeping in mind the minimization of operating costs.

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