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GPA Europe Annual Conference Pass

Please complete the registration form below, you will then be required to select your conference pass and payment details will be provided at the end.

Further discount is available for our Young Professionals. Please contact [email protected] for your coupon code.

If you would like to attend the Young Professional Training Day on Monday 9 October, please register here.

Your details

Please enter your Country Code, followed by number without any spaces.
Please enter your Country Code, followed by number without any spaces.
If different from above
If different from above

Emergency contact details

Please provide details of someone who will not be at the conference with you.

Special requirements

Dietary requirements
Please select all that apply


Please provide your estimated travel details:


Will you be brining a partner/spouse?

Partner/Spouse details

Please provide details if your Partner/Spouse will be joining you at the conference.
Dietary requirements
Please select all that apply

Optional Extras

We have a ½ day Workshop on Monday 9 October, we have 40 spaces available, and this is booked on a first come first served basis. Check the box to book onto the Workshop:

Data Protection

Please tick the box to receive information about future GPA Europe events
Please tick the box if you are interested in a free trial subscription to Hydrocarbon Processing, Gas Processing & LNG and H2Tech Magazines

Terms & Conditions

Please tick the box to accept our terms and conditions

My Licences

You have not purchased any GPA Europe Membership yet. Visit our Membership area to select the Membership that is right for you and checkout.