Please complete the registration form below, you will then be required to select your conference pass and payment details will be provided at the end. Further discount is available for our Young Professionals. Please contact [email protected] for your coupon code. If you would like to attend the Young Professional Training Day on Monday 9 October, please register here.
We also have a range of Technical papers presented at GPA Meetings from Chapters throughout the world which are available to members of the GPA Europe.
To access this database, you will need to be a current member of the GPA Europe and have full access to our website.
The GPSA Engineering Databook is almost 1,000 pages of technical information and is the worldwide authoritative resource for technical and design information.
Every process engineer should have one!
Our biannual e-zine "In Brief" contains; write ups on past conferences; the "View from the Top" from our Chairperson, Gary Bowerbank; and exciting updates from GPA Europe.
All the latest news from GPA Europe.
If you cannot wait until our e-zine is released, all members and those on our mailing list receive a monthly eBulletin newsletter.
Have exciting news? All member companies can have their news shared in our newsletters - Contact us for more information.
We have a vast number of published papers that have been presented at past GPA Europe events.
Presentation recordings from our Virtual Event Series.